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10 mp3 sur 41,7 Mo : 45'15''

Type Sortie Acquisition
CD 05.03.1984 1990
Until we sleep     05:13 
Murder   04:58 
Love on the air     04:18 
Blue light     04:34 
Out of the blue     03:35 
All lovers are deranged   Pete Townshend   03:14 
You know I'm right   05:01 
Cruise     04:38 
Let's get metaphysical   04:07 
Near the end   05:37 


Until we sleep 05:13
Dance, to the movement of the stars

Sing till the walls around us ring
Pray that it never fades away
Until we sleep

Feast, go ahead now, take your fill
Drink, till the room begins to sway
Play, and your cares will blow away
Until we sleep
Into a deep and dreamless sleep our spirits fall
And what we sow we cannot reap nor keep at all

Work, though the work will break your back
Rest, hope to feel your spirits rise
But the years, have cut you down to size
Now go to sleep
Into a deep and dreamless sleep our spirits fall
And what we sow we cannot reap nor keep at all

Murder 04:58
Some of them standing, some were waiting in the line

As if there was something that they thought they might find
Taking some strength from the feelings that always were shared
And in the background, the eyes that just stared

What was it brought you out here in the dark?
Was it your only way of making your mark
Did you get rid of all the voices in your head?
Do you now miss them and the things that they said?

On your own admission you raised up the knife
And you brought it down ending another man's life
When it was done you just threw down the blade
While the red blood spread wider like the anger you made

I don't want this anger that's burning in me
It's something from which it's so hard to be free

But none of the tears that we cry in sorrow or rage
Can make any difference, or turn back the page

Love on the air 04:18
Love on the air

I keep transmitting but reception is hazy
I don't get an answer
Keep sending it faster
Always knew it was crazy
To put my love on the air.

No one will hurt me again
No one will cause me to lie
No one will control me by pain
No one will cause me to cry
I was looking for love
In wandering eyes
Like a ship trying to fix on a beacon
I learned how to sigh
On the ribbon and wires
It's a habit that's so hard to weaken

No one will ever manipulate
Make me promise to do or die
No one can make me hesitate
What can I lose if they try
I was looking for love
Like the very first time
Didn't realize love never left me
Contradicted - conspired
I connived and designed
Nothing on earth could arrest me.

Reception is hazy
When you put your love on the air
Always knew it was crazy
To put my love on the air
But I only communicate
When I put my love on the air
You don't have to consummate
Love on the air

Blue light 04:34
She's a blue light, yes it cannot be denied

She will give you back your pride
She squeezes, she freezes, she does what she pleases
But she says she thinks of others, all the time

You must rise to her defense when she's in danger
Turn around and you're looking at a stranger
She steals your savings from under your bed
And leads you into places even angels fear to tread
She's a blue light

She's not amused, when you're trying to upstage her
So you choose to do nothing to enrage her
'Cause under her mantle you feel safe from the cold
And you're safe from the danger of ever growing old
She's a blue light

I'm not very good with this funky sort of thing, But, uh,
sometimes, when the inspiration strikes, I can get down
with the best of them.

Out of the blue 03:35
Out of the blue on the wings of a dove

A messenger comes, with the beating of drums
It's not a message of love

Our children are born, and we keep them
They must have the right, to live in the light
To be safe from the storm

Out of the blue, with wings on his heels
A messenger comes, bearing regrets
For the time that he steals

But steal it he will, my children's and mine
Against our desires, against all our needs
Our blood spilled like wine

Over and over we call . . . no one hears
And further and further and further we fall
And though we pray that we soon will awake
It is clear, that it's no dream at all
Our lives are at stake

I cannot believe, nor even pretend
That the thunder I hear, will just disappear
And the nightmare will end

So hold back the fire, because this music is true
When all's said and done, the ending will come
From out of the blue

All lovers are deranged Pete Townshend 03:14
It takes a fool to phone a fool

When both have said it all
We make the rule, bemoan the rule
That neither one should call
But love that was
Is love that is
Demands to always be unchanged
But then all lovers are deranged.

We walk away with memories
And clutch them to our hearts
We're disembodied entities
We move in fits and starts
For burning wine
And takes all caution in its flames
All lovers are deranged.

You know that you don't really fall in love
Unless you're seventeen
The break of day will make your spirits fly
But you can't know what it means
Unless you're seventeen.

It takes a fight to start a fight
And differences remain
We have the right to think we're right
We're addicts feigning shame
For love recalled
Is love reborn
We're determined to relive the pain
But then lovers are deranged.

You know I'm right 05:01
You can scream and shout with all your might

Dig in your heels and hold on tight
Either you are wrong or I am right

You speak the lines you've overheard
The ring of truth in every word
You know you're right and that's absurd

We really seem to have a problem here
But it is you or me
Whatever I have going through my mind
You always have to disagree
It's just a matter of opinions
It's not a simple fact
Why don't you try to see the other side
Don't turn your back

Now we survey this silent battleground
Recriminations all around
And still no compromise is found

Now we really have a problem
And it won't just disappear
And all the friends we thought we could rely on
Just want to whisper in my ear

"It's just a matter of opinions
You know you keep both in sight
Why should you bother with the other side
When you know yours is right."

Cruise 04:38
Cruise you are making me sing

Now you have taken me under your wing
Cruise, we both know you're the best
How can they say you're like all the rest

Cruise, we're both traveling so far
Burning out fast like a shooting star
Cruise I feel sure that your song will be sung
And will ring in the ears of everyone

Saving our children, saving our land
Protecting us from things we can't understand
Power and Glory, Justice and Right
I'm sure that you'll help us to see the light
And the love that you radiate will keep us warm
And help us to weather the storm

Cruise, you have taken me in
And just when I've got you under my skin
You start ignoring the fears I have felt
'Cause you know you can always make my poor heart melt

Please don't take what I'm saying amiss
Or misunderstand at a time such as this
Because if such close friends should ever fall out
What would there be left worth fighting about

Power and glory, justice and right
I'm sure that you'll help them to see the light
Will you save our children, will you save our land
And protect us from all the things we can't understand?
Power and glory and justice for all
Who will we turn to when your hard rain falls?

Near the end 05:37
And when you fell you're near the end

Will you just turn it over and start again
Is there a stirring in your heart
As the time comes when we will have to part?

And when you fell you're near the end
And there's a stranger where once was a friend
And you are left without a word
Only the whispers that you've overheard

Standing in silence, holding my breath
Disconnected and dry
And though I'm certain that there's nothing left
To hold on to, to give or to try
Some things never change, no don't ever change
And I'm feeling the cold
Thinking that we're getting older and wiser
When we're just getting old

And when you feel you're near the end
And what once burned so bright is growing dim?
And when you see what's been achieved
Is there a feeling that you've been deceived?